Friday 24 June 2011

Long time, no see.

I think I might just have to put my hands up and admit that I am terrible at regularly blogging. I am trés sorry.
But a lot has happened in the three months I have been absent (oh ho ho yes!), so really, the absence makes this post all the more interesting and perhaps long winded.
I HAVE A JOB! YEAH! Full time work baby! I'm now working for a web company that specialises in computer games market research, so I can get my nerd on which is great. 
I'm also moving out of home for the first time with my boyfriend. This is very scary, but I'm trying to prepare as much as I can. It is ridiculous how much you have to buy to just survive. But we're planning lots of trips to charity shops and the like to get as much as we can as inexpensively as we can. Already we have been donated a bed and a cheese grater (essential, much?). We had a gander round Ikea last weekend and found lots of ideas which we need to save up for, but we are well on our way. We move in at the beginning of August so it's not too long now!
Went to my first concert of the year recently too, I've been a bit lax with going to gigs. But then again, everyone I like has been making albums and not touring. Which is why I snapped up the opportunity to see Incubus when they came to London briefly. It was one of the best gigs I've been to. They are perfect live. Brandon Boyd is just a beautiful human being. I love them even more now. I must see them again when they come back to the UK later in the year.

This is one of my favourite pictures from the night.

I'm also seeing Queens of the Stone Age next week with my dad, so that will be great :]
I went to Paris in my three month absence as well. It was lovely. You could see the Eiffel tower from our hotel window. And I had a slightly embarrassing meal in said tower. But I won't ramble.
I have a few ideas for tattoos I want. I'd have to get them done together as they are both quite little. One on my wrist and one on my foot. Hopefully in a few months if I have a bit of money not spent on the new digs then I can get them done. Fingers crossed.

new rule #7: make the effort.

Monday 7 March 2011

home sick

As in, I am sick of being stuck at home.
Nobody wants to employ me. This is sad, but I might as well use my time productively. So, I am going to exercise lots, take lots of pictures and keep applying for jobs. I've also got my own car now so I can get about a little bit which is nice.

This is what my car looks like:

It's old and a bit temperamental, but I love it.

I've also got a holiday to look forward to which is nice. My boyfriend is taking me to Paris in April :]
I've written to a few places to see if I can take photos of an old asylum and a disused brewery so if that goes ahead it'll be great. I've bought a couple more cameras to get some interesting shots...

The Robot 3. Isn't it cute?

& the DIY Twin Lens Reflex TLR. I get to build it myself which could be interesting...

I've already encountered a problem with the Robot 3, but once I sort that out, expect some interesting pictures.
In the meantime, here's one from my Zumi:

Sorry for being useless at posting more often! I'll get better. 

new rule #6: don't lose motivation.

Saturday 8 January 2011

back to the drawing board...

Hello, I haven't posted in a while. I was busy with work. But my position came to an end and now I'm right back where I started looking for jobs again. Except this time there are less jobs...
So, its now 2011, and I am making this year the year of weight loss. I seem to have hit a plateau when it comes to this, which means I'll have to try extra hard. One of the lovely perks of having PCOS I guess...
I've found lots of lovely clothes I want to buy, which is a pain now that I haven't got a job because I need to save the money I do have left. But for some reason I really want a lace dress.

This one is lovely
£40 ASOS

I like this one too, as it comes as a top as well
  £28 & £24.50 Dorothy Perkins

Maybe I'll buy one as a weight loss incentive...
I also want another pair of Iron Fist shoes. I bloody love them.

These have to be mine.

Anyway, I will try to do more regular updates, and photos. I haven't put any of mine up. I promise I will. Honest.

New Rule #5: Don't be a pushover